How Technology Is Changing the Way People Heal In 2024!!!
Aloha i'a o'koa pa'a pono!!! "When we meet in love...We shall be whole!!!" Hawaiian Mana, Quantum Physics, Frequency is Your Sacred Life Force! It is the Medicine of the Future! It is the Medicine of Our Ancestors! The Subtle Sacred Secrets of Aloha! The Secrets of Quantum Healing! Join Kahu Kāhealani, Mindful Living Group & The Maui Scaler Room: Experience the profound transformation and inner mastery through Kahu Kāhealani’s Three 4-Part Ceremony Series. Engage in sacred Hawaiian teachings, receive a free Remote EESystem frequency scan and personal consultation, and embrace the journey to Inner Mastery, Living Aloha, Living Aloha 'Aina and Walking the Walk, not just Talking the Talk. The time is now to Drop the "K"! Truth Seekers must become Truth See'ers! Please join our Quantum Leap into Taking Back Our Power, Our Future and Our Lives! Includes daily Online Remote EES Transmissions as a part of her powerful Quantum Healing Protocols. Dr Kahealani believes in the quantum healing power of the EESystem and highly recommends it as a part of her Quantum Mastery protocols for best results. Her program, "Ho’oponopono Ancient Activations: Setting Right All Relations" invites participants to explore the depths of Self Care, Self Love, Self Mastery through Ho’oponopono and the Sacred Hawaiian way. This 12-week transformational ceremonial journey is designed to:
Learn to Align with the Divine and Become the Thing Itself! You are One of God's Most Precious Creations! Stop the Struggle, Suffering and Pain and Stand Up and Be Divine! Bridge the gap between Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk! An Invitation to this powerful, one of a kind Sacred Quantum Healing Meditation Intensive & 12 week Retreat! An Invitation to Take Back Your Health, Take Back Your Mind, Take Back Your Life, Take Back Your Power, Greatness & Freedom! Any Thought That Causes You Suffering Stems From a Lie. Howard Falco AN INVITATION TO QUANTUM GREATNESS & FREEDOM! No gift can gladden the heart more than that of knowing the eternal ... God in us! This great transformation retreat has a heart and hands on approach that is easy, nurturing, uplifting and open at the top. John Bradshaw says "the greatest crisis in our society today is to live and die and to never have known who we really are." This experiential Quantum Healing Meditation Intensive is especially designed to bridge the gap between talking the talk and walking the walk for those sincere seekers of truth, who really do want to GO FOR IT, release the pain, live in the Highest Reality that is God, set themselves free and usher in the new earth. The direction of the Quantum Healing Meditation Intensive will largely depend on the energy and interest of the group. Life experience situations are explored through a variety of group processes including self-inquiry, partner discussions, automatic writing, guided meditations, chanting, life visioning process, sharing, movement, and relaxation imbibing the healing vibes and EESystem transmissions. Kahu Kahealani will offer a sacred ancient ho'omanamana initiation and healing transmission of the Breath of Life, the Breath of Ha. Themes touched on are: Committing to Self Personal Effectiveness Taking Charge Success Feedback New Ways of Seeing Life Visioning the Future Self the Spiritual Mind Treatment a Scientific Method of Prayer and Speaking the Word WE OFFER YOU A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO: Raise Your Vibration, Learn to Stand Above the Clouds, Standing Tall in Dharma, Invoking Divine Grace, Realizing your personal connection with the Divine and calling forth your Future Self. Unlimited Possibilities Inner Peace Perfect Health Sustainable Wealth Absolute Happiness Unconditional Love Perfect Self-Expression Intimate Nurturing Relationships A Greater Experience of the Divine Natural Abundance Without Compromise! You Can Have It All! Just see yourself Living in the BEST of all possible worlds, a world that satisfies your Love for God, your Love for Self, your Love for Love, Life, Humanity, Abundant Flow, and All There Is. And you spend your days, simply finding Treasures, and experiencing Life as a Love Affair! Whether you are new to the PATH or a very experienced PATHFINDER, this Quantum Healing Intensive will TRANSPORT you to deeper levels of understanding in a clear, focused and powerful way, thus guiding you from Where You Are to Where You Want To Be. "I am the source of everything; thru me, God's entire creation flows" - "We are what we create ourselves to be." "The power is within you!" "The Choice is Yours!" "Stop the Commotion of Suffering, Struggle and the Confusion of Ignorance!" Stand Up and Be Divine!!! Please join us in Believing in this Vision, Seeing it, Feeling it and Being it. "It is Done Unto You as You Believe " She also authored the "Ho’oponopono Ancient Activations: Setting Right All Relations" Workbook" guiding individuals on setting sacred and right relations in all aspects of life. Kahu Kāhealani is the founder and CEO of Hale Malamalama Ola Pono Hawaiian Holistic Quantum Healing & Wellness Center. She offers various healing modalities, including: ● Prayer Ministry ● Consultations and Business and Family Coaching. ● Sacred Quantum Healing ceremonies and coherence healing circles. |