Welcome to the future of health and wellness
Energy Enhancement System creates the optimal environment that can promote cell regeneration, improve immune function, reduce inflammation, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, assist in balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain, increase energy levels,
and more.
Mana Matters!!!
Sacred Quantum Healing Circle retreats
quantum code activation energy enhancement sessions
using the EESystems state of the art technology developed by Dr Saundra Micheals
The Medicine of the Ancestors
The Medicine of the Future
for Mind, Body and Spirit
and the Sacred Bowl of Light (c)
Change Your Frequency, Change Your Life! (c)
Answering the call!......align with the divine & become the thing itself!
I am Dr Kahuna Kahealani Satchitananda, pioneer of holistic dentistry, UCLA, 1980 and quantum frequency researcher and coach for 40 years. I stand in absolute agreement and alignment with Dr Sandra Rose Michael and look forward to connecting with her. Interestingly enough, our childhood stories and personal journeys reflect such commonality. It's amazing and definitely it's the Quantum connections. lol As a Hawaiian ho'oponopono practitioner, Setting Sacred and Right All Relations, my life's work is in Perfect Alignment with the powerful healing effects of EESystem sessions, EESystem Remote and the EESystem medallions.
In Answering the Call, I am making available my Quantum Mastery and Quantum Healing Protocols for those wanting to accelerate their healing journey and creative manifestation of their heart's desires and discovering why some people heal and some don't. This is an important interview. It truly says it all. Looking forward to Walking the Walk into 2024!!! I will be offering Sacred Quantum Healing Transmissions & Transformation retreats online and steeped in the immersion of EESystem centers around the globe. We will cover The Subtle Sacred Secrets of the Quantum, the Subtle Sacred Secrets of Aloha and the Sacred Bowl of Light. Ask us for participating centers near you. Here to Make a Difference.
What is Energy Enhancement System?
Bioscalar energy enhancement system, also known as EE System or EES is a technology created by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael about 40 years ago.
This technology involves the generation of multiple bio-active energy fields that can promote health benefits. These fields include hertzian fields and non-hertzian, linear 5th dimensional scalar fields which promote cell regeneration, cellular detoxification, improved immune function, pain relief, mood elevation and increased energy levels to provide total mind, body, and soul benefits.
Currently, more than 90% of this technology, which is globally spread, is in private homes typically around the bed. Now you can experience this amazing technology here at our center in a relaxed spa like setting.
The EESystem has been installed throughout the United States and internationally to promote wellness, healing, relaxation, purification and rejuvenation. This ecologically & environmentally safe system is used by individuals, doctors, and therapists as well as Meditation and Wellness Centers to improve human development and psychological well-being.
The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit, and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization. The future is here.
What is amazing is that the shape of scalar waves is quite similar to the helical structure of DNA. Scalar waves and our DNA both spin in a clockwise motion so they are in harmony, and that’s a key for our DNA absorbing scalar waves to heal themselves.
It has been confirmed that scalar waves can stimulate a twenty-fold cell growth in human immune system cells. What’s more, scalar waves can increase the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body, and that’s important due to hydrogen bonds holding DNA together.
Scalar waves can also neutralize chaotic signals from man-made electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s), which bombarding us from cell phones, computers, microwaves, and other electrical conveniences. When we are in negative mood, our cells will be affected adversely. Scalar waves can allow our cells to heal for themselves.
The possibilities and uses of scalar waves are endless, and the research and study of scalar waves will make us be able to wisely use them for our benefit.
Order here your eesystem medallions, eesystem remote sessions & timewaver transmission sessions here.
EESystem Medallion Lapis Lazuli
Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in EESystem Scalar Medallion Only or EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Frequencies
EESystem.com has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the www.EESystem.com site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:
- Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.
EESystem Scalar Medallion Amethyst
Great additional benefits for between EESystem center sessions support and potentiates the effects of EESystem Remote Transmissions daily. Highly recommended.
Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in EESystem Scalar Medallion Only or EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Frequencies
EESystem.com has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the www.EESystem.com site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
- The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.
EESystem Scalar Medallion Rose Quartz
Great additional benefits for between EESystem center sessions support and potentiates the effects of EESystem Remote Transmissions daily. Highly recommended.
Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in EESystem Scalar Medallion Only or EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Frequencies
EESystem.com has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the www.EESystem.com site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:
- Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.
EESystem Scalar Medallion Aventurine
Great additional benefits for between EESystem center sessions support and potentiates the effects of EESystem Remote Transmissions daily. Highly recommended.
Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in EESystem Scalar Medallion Only or EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Frequencies
EESystem.com has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the www.EESystem.com site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:
- Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.
Sacred Ho'omanamana Quantum EES Initiation
Sacred Ho'omanamana Transmission that cleans your collective traumas, hurts and limited beliefs and establishes a Divine connection setting sacred and right all relations harmonizing your cellular and soul frequencies to radiant health joy and happiness.
Quantum Wave Ho'oponopono Prayer, Transmission & Transformation EES Healing Session
Have stress about Maui fires? Concerned about Humanity? Come and heal and pray with us! An amazingly powerful Huaka'i, Sacred Journey and Quantum Healing Prayer and Forgiveness session taking the Quantum portal of the energy enhancement system to another level potentiated by the ancient quantum codes in the blessings she offers. Kahuna Kahealani is initiated in the Sacred Breath of Ha, thru Pele linage and gathers MANA from sacred sites and transmits this healing mana in ways to clean your energetic discords, limiting beliefs and collective subconscious traumas setting Sacred and Right all relations.
Living with the power of ALOHA, a sacred vibration of the heart will radiate and set right all your relations to life, to love, to health, to wealth and to the healing of this world, Haumea.
Being vibrationally PONO, in sacred alignment with love, Aloha is our only protection and guarantee to smoothly, peacefully and joyously transition awakening into lokahi Oneness 2020-2024!
12 week Sacred Quantum Healing Protocol Transmissions and Transformation Community Online
- 12 week coaching/consulting package.
- Experience the Healy with Kahu Kahealani in Private Spiritual Practitioner Mentoring and Life Coaching Sessions with Frequency via Zoom. This includes 1 (2hour) session and 11 (1hour) sessions that may be scheduled weekly. This allows you time to implement the shifts in habits and ways of thinking and room for slips which we can gently guide you through. Also included free is my workbook manual ($39.99 value) and daily healing TimeWaver frequencies for 12 weeks. ($350/Month value) The healing frequencies transmission will flow every 56 mins, 2hr, 4hr and 19 hr intervals thru out the day for 4 entire weeks.
- Upon graduation, you are eligible for Hawaiian Ho'omanamana Blessing and Initiation. ($500)
- You are also eligible for our Heal the Healers Self Care Ayurvedic Immersion Retreat in Kauai, Hawaii.
6 week Sacred Quantum Healing Protocol Transmissions and Transformation Community
- 6 week coaching/consulting package.
- Experience the Healy with Kahu Kahealani in Private Spiritual Practitioner Mentoring and Life Coaching Sessions with Frequency via Zoom. This includes 1 (2hour) session and 5 (1hour) sessions that may be scheduled weekly. This allows you time to implement the shifts in habits and ways of thinking and room for slips which we can gently guide you through. Also included free is my workbook manual ($39.99 value) and daily healing TimeWaver frequencies for 6 weeks. ($350/Month value) The healing frequencies transmission will flow every 56 mins, 2hr, 4hr and 19 hr intervals thru out the day for 6 entire weeks. An amazing tangible experience.
432 Hz Pro Crystal Singing Bowl 6" Sacred Bowl of Light Golden crystal singing bowl chalice Golden plated crystal holy grail with perfect tones
This Golden Sacred Bowl of Light is a customized Ceremonial Prayer Chalice that easily invokes the Divine Feminine and Sacred Self Love. It easily clears all sense of separation and creates the perfectness of the heart, the fulfillment of life, the friendship of the mind and the realization of the sacred self within.
With this practice one moves easily from "talking the talk to walking the walk". One embodies the highest vibration that allows one to step across the threshold. One is no longer a human being here for a spiritual experience, one quickly becomes very tangibly, a spiritual being here not just for a human experience, but for the most amazing magical ride of a life time.
Designed as a powerful quantum frequency tool of prayer, connection and manifestation. It increases and harmonizes the Divine vibration of the one holding this magic wish fulfilling wand completely tuning you as the human instrument raising your vibration to match your heart's desire. The chants, prayers, intentions and affirmations reso9nate and vibrate into the Heavens and the prayers fly free. It carries the frequencies of 432 hz and can be customized with TimeWaver frequencies 24/7 creating a receptive megaphone effect which if felt through your entire auric quantum information field and beyond reverberating into the Universe and right into the Heart of God.
"432Hz Versus 440"
Great minds of the past have insisted that we set our musical concert pitch to 432 Hz. Mathematically, this is 4 x 108 a connection to the hidden pattern in the Fibonacci Sequence and therefore creates a resonance to the Living Mathematics of Nature.
432 Hz is in resonance with the sun, with water, an ancient harmonically tuned instrument of the highest order.
Tuning this sacred prayer manifestation chalice to 432 Hz creates intervals and tones that have beautiful and harmonic effects on the human being who is holding, resonating and listening, very similar to Rudolf Steiner's suggested pitch that the world must set its tuning to C=256 Hz, giving the A note the value of 432 Hz. That is why it was called the "Philosopher's C" because it was a Celebration of Advanced Human Knowledge being in tune with the Cosmos, the Universe, with Time and Space, with Shape and with particularly in resonance with the magnificent Rhombic TriaContahedron in Sacred Geometry.
Speaking the word, the power of the mind and the magic of the universe, is a concept that stirs the heart and ignites the passion of the soul. It is a sacred practice, a prayer of affirmation that connects us with the divine and allows us to tap into the infinite power of creation.
In the world of Science of Mind, speaking the word is a mystical practice that is steeped in the belief that our thoughts and words have the ability to shape our reality. It is the power of the spoken word that can bring about a transformation of the spirit, and align our minds with the divine principles of the universe. In combination with this quantum frequency golden chalice, the effects and results are potentiated.
With every word we speak, we have the potential to bring forth beauty, love, and abundance into our lives. Our thoughts and intentions are like seeds that we plant into the fertile soil of the universe, and with the magic of the spoken word, we can manifest our deepest desires.
So let us embrace the power of the spoken word and use it to create a world of love, peace, and beauty. Let us speak from the heart and align our minds with the divine, for with the power of the mind and the magic of the universe, anything is possible. Amama Ua Noa
432 Hz Pro Crystal Singing Bowl 6" Sacred Bowl of Light
Golden crystal singing bowl chalice
Golden plated crystal holy grail with perfect tones
(no design)
The Crystal Singing Chalices are made of high-purity quartz to create a pleasant aura with their sound and design. Their long-lasting tone spreads outward when they are gently tapped or rubbed, filling your surroundings with an ethereal tone and calming positive energy.
Our Crystal Singing Chalices are characterized by a distinctively clear, rich, and deep sound that can send the player and listeners into a relaxed state. These instruments are lightweight and easy to hold. With their intricately handcrafted shape and specific tuning, the chalices may vary slightly in height to be perfectly in tune.
Sacred Bowl of Light
As a Master Prosperity Teacher, Spiritual Practitioner and Kahuna Kahea, I had the privilege of offering prayers and chants in ceremony at our sacred mountain, Mauna a Wakea, Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu, the alter of protection for the protectors, the ridge of Halemaumau, Kilauea volcanic crater and city of refuge and forgiveness, Pu'uhonua O Honaunau, invoking grace from the heavens, angels, the ancestors, in sacred ceremony and gathering the mana/frequencies with the conscious intentions of Divine Grace, Divine Order, Divine Guidance, Divine Healing, Divine Right Action, Divine Love, Divine Protection and Divine Manifestation and I put together powerful quantum holistic healing programs composed of Scientific Spoken Word, Prayers, Chants, Intentions, Affirmations, Frequencies of Purification, Cleansing, Ho'oponopono, Forgiveness, Alignment personally customized for you. The first step in healing is in the heart so I ask that we connect heart to heart via zoom before you order your programs. This allows me to be accurately guided to choose specific healing frequencies from the thousands of TimeWaver databases, that include Rife, Gold, Solfeggio, Alpha, Theta, the new Rife EDTFL, etc, specifically for you. Gathering the Mana specific to your desired needs, we leave no stone unturned. Mahalo nui loa.
Ho'omanamana Kahuna Initiation Breath of Ha
Kahuna Initiation of Hawaiian Ha Breath of Life
Permission of Ancestors that also allows you to Bless and Offer Blessings of Light To Others By Thy Grace
Inner Mastery, Blessing of Sacred Bowl of Light, Ho'oponopono, Honoring the Sacred Self
Make Offering
Physician Heal Thyself
Includes 4 weeks of TimeWaver Transmissions and Analysis