Learn the Subtle Sacred Secrets of the Quantum.
Learn the Subtle Sacred Secrets of Aloha. The Medicine of the Ancestors and the Medicine of the Future which is Now. Learn the QUANTUM HEALING & MANIFESTATION PROTOCOLS AND MORE AND HOW TO RICHLY BENEFIT FROM EESystem and EESYSTEM REMOTE. Receive a Ho'omanamana Ancient Ha Transmission and Blessing to free you from subconscious limiting beliefs. Kahu Kāhealani Kamaka'o'kalaniameka'anuenuepa'akaula Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda is a loving Dynamic Woman of Power, Purpose, Passion, Prosperity and Inner Peace. She imbibes the True Spirit of Living Aloha. She is a Hawaiian metaphysical minister, Healy and Ho’oponopono Practitioner, TimeWaver Analyst, Consultant and one of a council of eleven respected elders who were chosen, initiated, and given the sacred duty of offering an Ancestral Ho’omanamana Blessing to the world, an amazing process that must be experienced. She was first taught ho’oponopono by her mother, Auntie Ku’ualohaemaliakalawaianui and her kupuna, tutuwahine Kawaiolamanaloa from the island of Molokai. Her very deep love is supporting the healing process for individuals, couples, parents and children. Her focus Is Quantunm Mastery, Family & Business Wealth, Health & Happiness. She has formal education and degrees from the University of California, Berkeley School of Business Sales and Marketing (1974), UCLA School of Dentistry DDS (1980), the United Church of Religious Science (1980) and International Teaching Order of Scientist of the Mind (1987). She is a respected member of the TimeWaver Academy. She is one of the pioneers in Holistic Dentistry and Quantum Psychology and has researched, studied and performed spiritual practices with kahuna, mystics and masters around the world since 1977 as well as studied the five major religions. She is certified in many forms of Frequency Energy Medicine, Reiki, Scientific Prayer and Speaking the Word, TimeWaver Academy Analyst, Oneness Diksha Practitioner/Trainer, Mahikari Divine Light, and the Hawaiian Kahuna Ho’omanamana Breath of Life. She is a Master Prosperity Teacher trained by Unity Minister, Edwene Gaines. Kahu has served on the Board of Directors for Unity of Kauai, Silent Unity World Ministry of Prayer and she is a founding member and Spiritual Practitioner of Agape International Spiritual Center and has served many years as Co-Director of Practitioners Ministry of Prayer and the Healing Revealing Service. Dr. Satchitananda, is the founding CEO and Cross-Cultural Director of Hale Malamalama Ola Pono Hawaiian Holistic Health & Wellness Center, the High Visions of Satchitananda and the Sacred Hawaiian Way. Kahu performs online Quantum Healing & Manifestation trainings and webinars, TimeWaver Analyst Transmission Sessions, EESystem Remote Transmissions, Quantum Healing Treatment Plans and Protocols consultations, counseling & sacred ceremony/sacred sites healing services. She does extensive work with Quantum10XSuccess with Businesses and Personal Development and Harmonious Relationship trainings in positive profound ways. She is author of her Quantum Code workbook, “Life is Sacred. Cherish It!” How to Set Sacred & Right All Your Relations” to your own self, to love, body, wealth, money, abundant flow and the world. Kahu is accepting new clients and does offer phone/Facetime/Zoom sessions for clients around the world. 1-808 773-3237 Call today for a free introductory Remote EESystem frequency scan and consultation. (limited time only.) Aloha Ia O’Koa Pa’a Pono!!! “When we meet in love…we shall be whole!!!” http://www.ChangeYourFrequency-ChangeYourLife.com http://www.TheSacredHawaiianWay.com How Technology Is Changing the Way Business Is Done
In 2023!!! Learn New Ways of Using Healy for Greater Happiness, Health, Wealth, Joy and Success. Free Friday 1/20/2023 Noon HST - 3:00 pm HST Join our Quantum Connection community today! must RSVP/registration below You Can Have It All! Start Your New Year Off Right! Great support, New Insights, New Strategies, New Thoughts, New Mindset, New Tools, New Momentum, Developing your powerful intentions, resolutions, personal and professional goals for 2023 Writing your goals down 10X's your Success according to wellknown Harvard Study. Learn to Cultivate successful habits to 10X your Success personally and professionally New insights into 10Xing your Success with unique vision board method designed by TimeWaver practitioner and quantum researcher, Kahu Kahealani both digital and hard copy manual Customizing your Healy with your vision board. Bring: bowl with $108 USD GOLD COINS list of goals and intentions baby pictures white candle charged Healy computer www.canva.com free access open mind playful heart Extra Support VIP Gold Options: see Frequency Store VIP Customized TimeWaver expert program of your Personal New Year's Resolutions or Personal Success Goals $108 VIP Coach/consultation to Create your 2023 Success goals $108 VIP TimeWaver Transmission of your Personal & Professional Goals 24/7 for 90 days $99 VIP Inner mastery manual and blueprint for true success $39.99 Aloha, Auntie Kahealani, I have a question but don't laugh at me!
Have you given me superpowers with those programs? I've only done them once each and I'm in super achieving mode. Literally everything I have set my mind to I've achieved so easily. It's crazy. I was in the kitchen just now cooking thinking what a day and hope much I've got sorted today that I've really wanted to do. Like loads. And I was thinking what have I done differently to have so much energy and for everything to be done like this and it hit me! Your programs and the bowl cleaning! WOW! How often are we meant to be doing your Timewaver programs? If I do them everyday, I'm going to have my dream home in Hawaii by next week! I haven't even started with the manifestation manual and affirmations yet. I'm mind blown with day to day things so far. I can't wait. Mahalo nui loa, Auntie! MAM Gibraltar A Golden Mind, A Golden Life! Miracles & Manifestation4 week workshop (including vision boards)1/12/2022 A Golden Mind, A Golden Life! Manifesting Your Heart's Desires Saturday, Jan 15th, 2022- Feb 5th, 2022 Noon HST Hawaiian Time available live on zoom or via recording due to timezone differences. $108 offering for 4 weeks (Payments accepted via Venmo to @Kahealani-Satchitananda or via Paypal to [email protected] )
FREQUENCY FOR MANIFESTATION GOAL SETTING & VISION BOARD PARTY zoom link below to begin shortly1/7/2022 Congratulations on joining us!
Aloha and mahalo for your interest in our Vision Board Timewaver zoom. we will meet here below at noon HST: Please bring
Topic: Free FREQUENCY FOR MANIFESTATION GOAL SETTING & VISION BOARD PARTY Time: Jan 7, 2022 12:00 PM Hawaii Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87211661585?pwd=NjJITUZlRUtHNnM3VjA0MzBEZ1J3QT09 Meeting ID: 872 1166 1585 Passcode: ALOHA2022 One tap mobile +13462487799,,87211661585#,,,,*732001714# US (Houston) +16699006833,,87211661585#,,,,*732001714# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 872 1166 1585 Passcode: 732001714 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbkEqUF2x9 See you soon. Richest Blessings and Most Fortunate 2022! ARE YOU COMING? You are Invited!... FREQUENCY FOR MANIFESTATION GOAL SETTING & VISION BOARD PARTY, A WONDERFUL PRACTICE TO MANIFEST YOUR GOALS EASIER AND I WILL BE OFFERING GROUP TIMEWAVER TRANSMISSIONS TO MANIFEST YOUR HEART'S DESIRES OF WEALTH, HEALTH & HAPPINESS IN 2022! HAPPENING FRIDAY JANUARY 7TH, 2022 AT NOON 12:00 -1:30 PM HST! LET'S MAKE 2022 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!
Firm Are The Upright See'ers Of Molokai and Their Descendants WAIHO WALE KAHIKO Ancient OLD secrets are now revealed! 'Ōlelo No'eau By Dr. Kahu Kāhealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda In ancient times, here in Hawaii Nei, there was no waste, no disease, no family violence, no child abuse, no drugs and no poverty. Everyone's needs were met from the very young to the very old even while living on an island with limited resources. Everyone experienced Waiwai, Abundant flow. Awakened teachers known as Kahuna had mastered Quantum Codes of the subtle sacred secrets of Aloha and they taught the respected ruling elders who taught the parents who taught their children the sacred ways of Oneness, being in right relationship with the Divine, with the Aina and within their own hearts, a state of Lokahi, inherent oneness with all things. In this way we were naturally connected and consecrated to the heavens and Haumea, the earth and all things in between. We were one and there was no dividing line between any two people and no dividing line between man and spirit. This was the way of aloha-love, kapu aloha. This was the way of the ONES who know no separation and see no division. We knew nothing was impossible when you were aligned with the Divine, lokahi, radiant harmony and we kept the Pono, sacred protocol, sacred rules of right relations. We had mana, great sacred power, the power to attract all of our needs met, the power to command the elements and the power of love for one another, the family, ohana. We are divine light carriers, ka po’e ao hiwa or keepers of the sacred fire, an ancient people of peace from the beginning of time. "Ike 'ia na maka i ke a'o “The eyes have seen the light. " We believed that what is above, the same below, heaven manifesting on earth by divine right. On“The defined path" ke ala iki, we knew that we are each born forever under the protection of ancestors, aumakua, angels, ke Akua connected to the Divine by 3 pikos located on the top of the head, the navel and the genital areas, the sacred powers of creation. These energetic vortex make up the sacred bowl of light, that contain the sacred mana, the quantum codes, the frequencies within your heart which must be kept coherently aligned, in perfect balance and perfect harmony to facilitate spiritual evolvement of Wailua, seat of spirit or soul and maintained in spiritual integrity. Being Hawai'ian is not just about a race of people or the koko. It is about the spiritual nobility of the soul, the living legacy of love/aloha and the creative power/mana of manifestation that the ancestors gifted to us and left for us to uphold. It's about a state of heart, a state of mind, a state of consciousness of good, and a state of oneness. We uphold this gift by understanding, contemplating and being Pono, walking in the footsteps of na kupuna, na ancestors, the angels and na aumakua in alignment with the Divine/Ke Akua and in harmonious relations. All of humanity can benefit from the ike koa, wisdom of the ancient cultural values of spiritual nobility, a way of seeing, a way of being, the Sacred Hawaiian Way in the Spirit of Pure Aloha. We knew that the goal of life was to honor all things sacred and the sacredness in all things, to walk up the mountain of life protecting your sacred mana, your aloha, your sacred bowl of light. Malama mana’o, protect and take care of the oneness, harmony, aloha of your thoughts, your way of seeing with the coherent heart, divorcing duality and only seeing oneness, learning to caress and bless all things. Ku’ialua, Hawaiian martial art is the practice of power over death and destruction. Ku’ialua understands the mind-mana’o is your first and best weapon or worst enemy. Every thought, feeling, perception, spoken word and performed action impregnates the universe. It is never forgotten and it is never overlooked. The universe is always vibrationally mathematically exacting in its law of attraction. The thought vibrational resonances are carried in your sacred bowl of light so malama, take great care. There are only two kinds of thoughts, aloha and ha'ole and they can never hold the same space. There are only two states of mind, inner conflict state and awakened oneness state. Aloha thoughts, you see with the heart, are life enhancing, radiant, vibrations that are aligned with the nature of love, the nature of the Divine. Aloha, which in it's most hidden deepest ka'ona meaning, means that which is aligned with or facing the sacred breath, the Ha breath of Ke Akua, creator, God. Aloha, being and basking in the love in the divine presence in the divine present moment in sacred relationship as me and as you. Ha'ole thoughts, seeing with the head, are those that are life destroying, contracted, ego dominated thoughts that see division and separation and the need to defend, justify and attack. The deeper meaning of ha'ole is that without or separated from the sacred Ha breath of God. If you perceive division in your heart and mind, a stone would be placed in your bowl and suffering and lack would be created in your experience of the world. This would be a teaching moment for learning lessons and life is a school and we are here to learn and grow. We were taught that the goal of life is to move thru life by walking up the mountain, protecting your aloha, your Sacred bowl of light. That life is filled with lessons to learn, teaching moments along the way and if you became angry, resistant or jealous, you would drop a stone into your bowl of light and it would leak your Mana-sacred power. If your bowl became filled with stones, then you would become a stone that cannot grow, but at any moment you could turn your bowl upside down letting go of the stones and your bowl would naturally be once again filled with golden light, your natural aware and awakened state of aloha, your natural state of divinity. This is the power of pure aloha, an awakened heart, an awakened mind. According to Kahuna Hale Makua as well as my own kupuna of Moloka'i, there are three ihi kapu sacred laws of aloha and an abundant flow of life. 1) Love all that you see with humility. 2) Live all that you feel with reverence. 3) Know all that you possess with discipline. We are spiritual warriors walking the narrow path. The great ones say it may not be easy. Some of them took 7 years to master each one of the sacred laws, some took many lifetimes. Reincarnation is God's way of generously giving us all the time we need to learn and align with the ihi kapu sacred laws of pono/aloha. We now have the power of inner mastery becoming sovereign human beings. Hawaiian sovereignty begins within! Ancient ones believed that all time is now, that we are each creators of our life's conditions. The most powerful place for making change is in the now by protecting your heart, protecting your pure aloha. Healing olelo, chants, hula are the heartbeat of people...sacred sound, frequencies, mana and sacred actions heal and realign pono righteousness, divinity, change DNA, correct disharmony, purify sacred bowl of light, carry the sacred vibration, all knowledge is in that resonance. We have the power that no one nor any circumstance can take away, the power of ALOHA is the power to SHINE LIGHT INTO DARKNESS! No matter how dark it gets. We understand that you are never hurt by any situation in life and cannot be victims of any event. It’s only a teaching moment for lessons learned. You are only hurt by your own thoughts perceived about the situation which place stones in your sacred bowl of light. This leaks your mana-sacred power and lowers your sacred vibration. You have the power over those stoned thoughts of division and separateness. You have the power over your ALOHA, power over your life. Understanding that you have the power of CHOICE in this divine play of consciousness as we walk up the mountain of life is delicious Nectarian freedom to live life always in a healing state of aloha, love. We were told of the great huli beginning first in 2000, then in 2012, and the great awakening when the earth would turn after 2020-2022, a time when our heads will be placed lower than our hearts when we let go of ways that have not served us and return to PONO when we feel before we think. We must prepare by becoming vibrationally correct having a sacred bowl of light that is filled only with radiance of aloha, love, gratitude and oneness, void of all contracted thoughts and feelings. This is the sacred Hawaiian way, Pure Aloha. This is why I love the Healy and Timewaver. It is medicine of the ancestors and medicine for the future which is now. Imua o ho'opomaika'i o ka makana...Let's move with the gift of blessings, the gift of Aloha. Imi ke ola ina Akua… Let’s invoke the Gods to promote vigorous abundant growth and healing of humanity and the earth. Living with the power of ALOHA, a sacred vibration of the heart will radiate and set right all your relations to life, to love, to health, to wealth and to the healing of this world, Haumea. Being vibrationally PONO, in sacred alignment with love, Aloha is our only protection and guarantee to smoothly, peacefully and joyously transition awakening into lokahi Oneness 2020-2022 and creating the new earth! Amama ua noa! The kapu is lifted. The prayers fly free! Aloha ia o'koa pa'a Pono! "When we meet in love...we shall be whole!!!" www.theSacredHawaiianWay.com "Sacred Bowl of Light" ........................................................"A Golden Mind! A Golden Life!" Free Healy Program! Happy 2022!...My Happy New Year Gift To You!
Mahalo nui, for your graceous generosity all of your kind words, loyalty and good will sharing with me the effectiveness of my TimeWaver programs and how they have helped and served you. I just received notice of this client who I was so happy to be there for her. "I am so grateful for my timewaver therapist, Kahu Kahealani Satchitananda. Her loving support, skill and knowledge really saved my life. My entire family all got the Big "C" and they all got better while I was getting sicker and sicker. I saw a few doctors and tried many medications and kept getting sicker. After about 10 days into it, just when I thought I was getting better, I developed the Big "C" Pneumonia. After 2.5 weeks of suffering, it was still challenging to breathe, my oxygen levels were getting really low and I was having tough scary nights. I knew that I didn't want to go to the hospital and I began feeling like there was a depressing darkness creeping in. It felt like a battle over my consciousness to remain hopeful and willful to heal. My close friend recommended her Timewaver therapist, Kahu Kahealani and I'm really glad that she did. Even after only one evening of using her customized healy therapist programs she designed for me, I began to regain hope that I would heal and regain my life again. I am impressed with how quickly the dark cloud lifted and how quickly my life force returned and I could breath again. I am so grateful for the healing frequencies of the Healy and Timewaver and Kahu Kahealani Satchitananda. I got my life back! Life is good." JY Dec. 2021 2021 has been an amazing year! And we are so grateful! Let's begin 2022 with a Heart of Gold that attracts and magnetizes our Heart's Desires. Have you ever been to or dreamed of coming to Hawaii? Do you remember how you felt when you first stepped off of the plane? The feeling of Aloha, the feel good mana? The frequency? As a master prosperity teacher and Kahuna Kahea, I had the privilege of offering prayers and chants in ceremony at our sacred mountain, Mauna a Wakea, Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu, the alter of protection for the protectors, the ridge of Halemaumau, Kilauea volcanic crater and city of refuge and forgiveness, Pu'uhonua O Honaunau, invoking amazing grace from the heavens, angels, the ancestors, in sacred ceremony and gathering the mana/frequencies with the conscious intentions of divine grace, divine order, divine guidance, divine healing, divine right action, divine love, divine protection and divine manifestation and I put together powerful quantum programs of golden wealth, prosperity and abundance, my golden series. I am guided to choose frequencies from TimeWaver databases, that include Rife, Gold, Solfeggio, Alpha, Theta, and the new EDTFL, scientific prayers, ancient chants, meditations, visualizations, affirmations, wisdom and conscious intentions as inspired. Of the most popular are the "Sacred Bowl of Light" and "A Golden Mind, A Golden Life!" (valued at $108 offering) which includes the 3 levels of wealth, generating big money, holding on to it and not being possessed by it as well as clearing karmic blocks and inner mastery. As a Happy New Year gift, I am offering it for FREE with purchase. Please go to "shop" for additional details. Feel free to request a zoom. Let's connect! Mahalo nui loa and Happy Holidays! Kahu Kahealani |