Great additional benefits that potentiates the effects of EESystem sessions & eesystem Remote Transmissions daily.
Highly recommended.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in:
- EESystem Scalar Medallion Only $108
- EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Med Pro Transmission Frequencies $150 has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing an additional bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and being optimized and bioenergetically balanced at cellular level. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
Through the TimeWaver Med Pro customized frequency personalized programs can be added to the medallions for potentiated and personalized care.
- Manifesting personal goals and intentions for health, wealth and happiness
- dissolving limited beliefs, subconscious traumas
- personalized healing frequencies for imbalances in mind, body & spirit
The Power that made the body Heals the body. Harmonized alignment is key.
The potential benefits of scalar environment of which include and are not limited to:
- Builds a general body vitality level.
- antiaging effect on lengthening telomeres.
- damaging radiation dissipation, waves from atmosphere
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection and repair.
On Sale
On Sale
EESystem Remote Transmissions Monthly
- The amazing experience in Quantum Immersion to EESystem bio-photon frequencies nightly. Allowing the healing frequencies to run all night is highly recommended as energetic support from the EESystem. We would need your birth name, birth date and birth place as well as a signature vibration ie. unfiltered single face photo
- Learn to embrace these healing frequencies in nightly prayer times for greater effectiveness.
- The photo and signature vibration are kept in the EESystem scalar room 24/7.
- The sessions take place every evening Monday-Friday from 6pm to 6:00am HST (12 Hours total). During this time we recommend taking advantage of Quantum Mastery & Quantum Healing Protocol Transmission & Transformation Community support group and/or Quantum Healing Mastery workbook. You may set the intention to open and receive the energy to bring forth the highest and best in all areas of your life.
- Access to our Private online Sacred Quantum Healing Community & Nightly Livestream.
Sacred Ho'omanamana Quantum EES Initiation
Sacred Ho'omanamana Transmission that cleans your collective traumas, hurts and limited beliefs and establishes a Divine connection setting sacred and right all relations harmonizing your cellular and soul frequencies to radiant health joy and happiness.
Quantum Wave Ho'oponopono Prayer, Transmission & Transformation EES Healing Session
Have stress about Maui fires? Concerned about Humanity? Come and heal and pray with us! An amazingly powerful Huaka'i, Sacred Journey and Quantum Healing Prayer and Forgiveness session taking the Quantum portal of the energy enhancement system to another level potentiated by the ancient quantum codes in the blessings she offers. Kahuna Kahealani is initiated in the Sacred Breath of Ha, thru Pele linage and gathers MANA from sacred sites and transmits this healing mana in ways to clean your energetic discords, limiting beliefs and collective subconscious traumas setting Sacred and Right all relations.
Living with the power of ALOHA, a sacred vibration of the heart will radiate and set right all your relations to life, to love, to health, to wealth and to the healing of this world, Haumea.
Being vibrationally PONO, in sacred alignment with love, Aloha is our only protection and guarantee to smoothly, peacefully and joyously transition awakening into lokahi Oneness 2020-2024!
12 week Sacred Quantum Healing Protocol Transmissions and Transformation Community Online
- 12 week coaching/consulting package.
- Experience the Healy with Kahu Kahealani in Private Spiritual Practitioner Mentoring and Life Coaching Sessions with Frequency via Zoom. This includes 1 (2hour) session and 11 (1hour) sessions that may be scheduled weekly. This allows you time to implement the shifts in habits and ways of thinking and room for slips which we can gently guide you through. Also included free is my workbook manual ($39.99 value) and daily healing TimeWaver frequencies for 12 weeks. ($350/Month value) The healing frequencies transmission will flow every 56 mins, 2hr, 4hr and 19 hr intervals thru out the day for 4 entire weeks.
- Upon graduation, you are eligible for Hawaiian Ho'omanamana Blessing and Initiation. ($500)
- You are also eligible for our Heal the Healers Self Care Ayurvedic Immersion Retreat in Kauai, Hawaii.
6 week Sacred Quantum Healing Protocol Transmissions and Transformation Community
- 6 week coaching/consulting package.
- Experience the Healy with Kahu Kahealani in Private Spiritual Practitioner Mentoring and Life Coaching Sessions with Frequency via Zoom. This includes 1 (2hour) session and 5 (1hour) sessions that may be scheduled weekly. This allows you time to implement the shifts in habits and ways of thinking and room for slips which we can gently guide you through. Also included free is my workbook manual ($39.99 value) and daily healing TimeWaver frequencies for 6 weeks. ($350/Month value) The healing frequencies transmission will flow every 56 mins, 2hr, 4hr and 19 hr intervals thru out the day for 6 entire weeks. An amazing tangible experience.
On Sale
On Sale
Quantum Healing: Mana, Miracles & Manifestation for Health & Wellbeing
Powerful 12 week Transmission and Transformation Journey of Inner Mastery and Right Relations to Self. Main focus on Mental & Physical & Spiritual Wellbeing and Health.
My Purpose, Raison Detre and Intention is to Attain and Walk in Pure Aloha, Vibrational Alignment, in This Lifetime, Living in Oneness, Honoring My Inner Greatness and Reaching my Divine Destiny Living in a Body Radiant with Perfect Health and a Heart in Radiant Devotion in Sacred Courtship with the Tangible Divine Reality of Spirit and in Honor Walking in the Footsteps of the Ancestors, Awakening into Oneness/Lokahi, the True Spirit of Aloha.
My Mission is to Bless and Empower Others to So Honor and Value Themselves So Much that they, too, Devote their Lives to Being Pono, Awakening into Lokahi/Oneness, Making Love Their Way of Life, Being Completely Vibrationally Aligned with the Divine in Perfect and Sacred Relationship with Ke Akua/God, Life, Love, Health, Wealth, Inner Joy and Perfect Self Expression as Spiritual Warriors Returning to the Sacred, upholding Ancient Hawaiian Values, the Sacred Hawaiian Way, Healing All Relationships and Living Prosperously Pono.
Aloha Onipa'a! Malama Ponoloa! Ho'i i ka Pono!!!
Strengthening and Empowering Humanity thru Mastery of Mana, TimeWaver Analysis Transmissions, Energy Enhancement System Resonance Bioenergetic Balance at Cellular Level, Alignment, Hawaiian Spirituality Through Traditional Ceremonies, Rituals and Ancient Protocols.
On Sale
On Sale
Quantum Wave 123123 Manifestation Basic Package
The Subtle Sacred Secrets of the Quantum. The Subtle Sacred Secrets of Aloha. The Medicine of the Ancestors. The Medicine of the Future which is Now!
Quantum Healing Protocol Package
- Quantum Mastery Inner Movie Method of Mind Management Life's Workbook
- TimeWaver individualized Prosperity frequencies for 30 days transmissions
- EESystem Remote for 30 days transmissions
- EESystem Medallion hypercharged with TimeWaver personalized intentions
- Access to Quantum Connections Community
- Access to Live Streaming healing frequencies
- EESystem bundle/package sessions highly recommended (not included)
- Private Coaching highly recommended (not included)
Quantum Inner Mastery Healing Protocol 12 step Manual
The Subtle Sacred Secrets of the Quantum. Align with the Divine and Become the Thing Itself. Quantum Inner Mastery Healing Protocol 12 step Manual. My Life's work and Quantum healing journey up the Mountain of Life. Not to be read merely intellectually. It is to be embodied thru applying each step and giving yourself to your own self inquiry and self discovery of your own Sacred Self. Proven results.
EESystem Medallion Lapis Lazuli
Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in EESystem Scalar Medallion Only or EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Frequencies has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:
- Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.
EESystem Scalar Medallion Amethyst
Great additional benefits for between EESystem center sessions support and potentiates the effects of EESystem Remote Transmissions daily. Highly recommended.
Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in EESystem Scalar Medallion Only or EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Frequencies has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
- The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.
EESystem Scalar Medallion Rose Quartz
Great additional benefits for between EESystem center sessions support and potentiates the effects of EESystem Remote Transmissions daily. Highly recommended.
Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in EESystem Scalar Medallion Only or EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Frequencies has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:
- Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.
EESystem Scalar Medallion Aventurine
Great additional benefits for between EESystem center sessions support and potentiates the effects of EESystem Remote Transmissions daily. Highly recommended.
Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.
Stone choices: Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Aventurine, Amethyst.
Comes in EESystem Scalar Medallion Only or EESystem Scalar Medallion plus Customized TimeWaver Frequencies has developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process that they utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.
Embedding the technology into these wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in the technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works on the site for your interest.
Simply said and basic understanding essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is then optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product.
The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:
- Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.