A'ohe Hana Nui Ka Alu'ia
No Task Is Too Big When Done Together...
Aloha 'Aina * Malama Each Other * Love the Land * Malama Pono * .Aloha 'Aina * Malama Each Other * Love the Land * Malama Pono *
Aloha 'Aina * Malama Each Other * Love the Land * Malama Pono * Aloha 'Aina * Malama Each Other * Love the Land * Malama Pono *

Aloha Mai No Aloha Aku O Kaa Huhu Kaa Mea E Ola Ole Ai
When Love Is Given, Love Naturally Flows Back In Return.
E hele me ka pu’olo
Always Take An Offering With You. Make Every Person Place or Condition Better Than You Left It Always.
Wherever You Go, Always Take Something With You.
This Is The Sacred Hawaiian Way, the Way of Abundant Flow Honoring Ke Akua and His Creation/Nature
Our Kuleana is to Kokua each other,
Heal Our Selves
Help Each Other
Heal the Land

Aloha Mai No Aloha Aku O Kaa Huhu Kaa Mea E Ola Ole Ai
When Love Is Given, Love Naturally Flows Back In Return.
When Love Is Given, Love Naturally Flows Back In Return.