Aloha, Auntie Kahealani, I have a question but don't laugh at me!
Have you given me superpowers with those programs? I've only done them once each and I'm in super achieving mode. Literally everything I have set my mind to I've achieved so easily. It's crazy. I was in the kitchen just now cooking thinking what a day and hope much I've got sorted today that I've really wanted to do. Like loads. And I was thinking what have I done differently to have so much energy and for everything to be done like this and it hit me! Your programs and the bowl cleaning! WOW! How often are we meant to be doing your Timewaver programs? If I do them everyday, I'm going to have my dream home in Hawaii by next week! I haven't even started with the manifestation manual and affirmations yet. I'm mind blown with day to day things so far. I can't wait. Mahalo nui loa, Auntie! MAM Gibraltar |