Sacred Quantum Healing Meditation Intensive "Physician, Heal Thyself!!!" Special All Day Retreat!! at the Maui Scalar Room Energy Enhancement Center The Power that Made the Body, Heals the Body... The Universe is always conspiring for our Highest Good. Let's Make Magic Happen! Align with the Divine and Become the Thing Itself! You are One of God's Most Precious Creations! Stop the Struggle, Suffering and Pain! Stand Up and Be Divine! Powerful, one of a kind Sacred Quantum Healing Meditation Intensive & Retreat all in our 16-unit Bio-Scalar Energy Enhancement System! An Invitation to Take Back Your Health, Take Back Your Mind, Take Back Your Life, Take Back Your Power, Greatness & Freedom! "Any Thought That Causes You Suffering Stems From a Lie. " ~ Howard Falco Sacred Quantum Healing Meditation Intensive "Physician, Heal Thyself!!!" in our 16 unit Bio-Scalar EESystem Join us Wednesday February 7, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM WE OFFER YOU A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO:
Raise Your Vibration, Learn to Stand Above the Clouds, Standing Tall in Dharma, Invoking Divine Grace, Realizing your personal connection with the Divine & calling forth your Future Self. Bonuses Included: 8-10 hrs EE-SYSTEM TRANSMISSION THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE EVENT $500 Hawaiian Ho'omanamana Blessing, Activation and Initiation $144 Private EESystem Remote Facebook group nightly transmissions for 1 month $150 EESystem Scalar Medallion with personalized TimeWaver frequencies $49.99 Quantum Healing Codes Ebook, “Life is Sacred. Cherish It” THE HIGH VISION OF KAHU KAHEALANI KAWAIOLAMANALOA SATCHITANANDA To Create a Conscious World of Whole and Empowered People Who Know Who They Really Are and Live Life Loving God, Giving Thanks For All of Life's Gracious Generosities and Expressing Their Inner Greatness. WHO IS SHE? SATCHITANANDA, the indwelling truth - light - bliss of the individual soul. She is a loving dynamic woman of Power, Purpose, Passion, Prosperity and Inner Peace. She is a Quantum Mastery Consciousness Coach, Religious Science Practitioner, Holistic Health practitioner, pioneer of Holistic Dentistry, EESystem & TimeWaver transmissions analyst, Hawaiian Kahuna elder, Cultural Practitioner who is committed 100% to her own transformation and the transformation of the world through the Power of Love, Healing Frequencies and Awareness. Her clear intention is to really Make a Difference, to inspire, 'Kind-man' and provide an experience of SELF MASTERY & LEARNING to Easily Apply and Embody the Natural Universal Truths and Quantum Laws of the Universe which We Already Know." Getting There Can Be As Easy As Being There. HE WHO OBEYS CAN COMMAND! |